Saturday, November 27, 2010

"the" & You (Girl) in Theuta (Ceuta)

In 2004 I went to Theuta with someone while I was studying Spanish--let's say she was my aunty.  Why my Aunty?  Because that sounds pretty close to the pronoun for "you girl," in Arabic.

The word for "you"(2nd Person fem. sing.) is "enti:"  أَنْتِ

I wasn't so sure about going through Morocco though en route to Thueta, as I was a little fearful at first about visiting Arabic speaking countries after 9/11.  Thus, on day, I had something like the following conversation and experience with "Aunty" as we had dinner together in our flat that we had rented in Granada a few days before getting the ferry to cross the Mediterranean.

I.  "Aunty, I can see that you are  very firm and confident in your resolve to go to Thueta through Morocco, but are you sure it's safe?"

"Yes, of course," she said.

II.  "Okay," Aunty, "But just to be sure we're safe, promise me that you will tutor me extensively and that you will set me straight in Spanish grammar before we go, so that...

III.  "When you associate with people there as you are prone to do talking with people grilling food on the beach and the like, we can pretend we are Spanish instead of Americans in case anyone hates Americans over there."

This idea got my Aunty very excited as she loved to teach Spanish grammar and she started pouring on the lectures about Spanish grammar over the next few days as we walked through the cobble stone markets together.

IV.  "Slow down, Aunty" I said.  I can see that you got stirred up and excited by the idea of tutoring me more extensively in Spanish grammar, but before you pile on one fact after another,"

V.  "Please make sure that you acertain, verifty, and make sure that I have learned the first fact that you try to teach me before moving on to the next fact."

At this point though, she lost interest, and we went back to our flat since it was afternoon siesta time anyway.

VI.  "Aunty, you are yawning, why?" I asked?  "Are you bored with me already?

"Please be serious," I pleaded.

VII.  "I just don't want you to get discredited and thought ill of by people, or worse yet hurt by them just for being Americans...

VIII. "if by chance we cross paths with someone who is seeking to get his revenge or to be avenged of whatever grudge he might have against America and Americans when he encounters us."

"That's why I want to make sure I'm carefully learning everything your trying to teach me."  But she was tired of teaching me and took a nap and then relaxed for the rest of our time in Granada.

In the end though, we were fine when we crossed the Mediterranean into Morocco and Theuta, and I found that my fears were unfounded.  We both even learned a few Arabic words on the trip in addition to improving our Spanish.  On the boat ride back to Spain from Theuta, I marveled at my Aunty, and said,

X. "You always profit from your adventurousness, don't you?"

She smiled a sly smile.

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