Sunday, October 10, 2010

3rd Letter: tae'

MaRHabaen to the 3rd dreamscape.  Can you find the 5 symbols in the Suura?

1) The toadstool (a stool) tells us that this is the 3rd letter of the Arabic alphabet.

2) The shape of the fat toad's smile and his two round bulging eyes sticking out on top give us the shape of the letter tae'.

3) The fact that we see a toad drinking tea makes it clear that the sound of this letter is "t."  The animals and central characters in these dreamscapes will always be telling us the sound of the letters.  We don't have to "read it in the tea leaves."  The sound of the letter is front and center to the image, so to speak.

4)  The light colors tell us this is a Light consonant.

5)  The warm sun motivating the toad to cool off with ice tea reminds us this is a Solar letter.  If we see an "L" before the "t" in Arabic the "L" is silent and the "t" is doubled.


tae' makes only one word by adding a vowel:

te (teh) means "by" only used in "by God" for swearing.

Imagine the toad drops his tea and starts swearing at it.

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